The Lancet: What does it mean to be made vulnerable in the era of COVID-19? – by Ayesha Ahmad et al.

Lancet response

We’re pleased to announce that our piece ‘What does it mean to be  made vulnerable in the era of Covid-19?’ has just been published by The Lancet.

“Vulnerability occurs in the gap in global health between those with the power to define and dismiss knowledge and needs, and those who are being defined and dismissed.” [1]

In response to an Editorial featured in the journal earlier this month, this joint effort by our project collaborators stresses the importance of integrating the knowledge and needs of socially marginalised groups into Covid-19 pandemic responses.

You can read the piece here or in print on the 7th May 2020.


[1] A. Ahmad et al., ‘What does it mean to be made vulnerable in the era of COVID-19?’, (2020) The Lancet.

Image by Hello I’m Nik on Unsplash.