New Animation: Nature of Emergencies

Animation 4 - Nature of Emergencies

We are currently living through a world wide global health emergency: the Covid-19 pandemic. Labelling a health event an emergency, disaster, or crisis imply an event that is confined to a certain time span and geographical focus. It is an extraordinary event that requires special measures. These terms in themselves are therefore worth questioning using the lenses of ethics and justice.

In our fourth animation, Agomoni Ganguli-Mitra discusses these terms and their ethical implications.

View the animation and full transcripts

Animation created by Vanessa Randle from thinkingvisually

Further Resources

A. Green, ‘The activists trying to ‘decolonize’ global health‘, (devex, 21 May 2019).

S. Walsh and O. Johnson, Getting to Zero: A Doctor and a Diplomat on the Ebola Frontline (Zed Books, 2018).

A. Ahmad and others, Humanitarian Ethics Action and Ethics (Zed Books, 2018).

S. Bradshaw, Gender, Development and Disasters (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2014).